As numbers increase in our community it is inevitable you or someone you know will test positive for Covid-19.
Most of us who get Covid-19 will be able to manage their symptoms at home. You may feel well, but still receive a positive Covid-19 test result, you will need to isolate at home for a few days.
Below is your Covid ready kit for managing your symptoms. (these are a few essentials that will come in handy during isolation)
Thermometer, this will measure your body temperature. A fever can be a symptom of Covid-19, temperature of 38°C or higher is considered a fever.
Pain relief medication, paracetamol or ibuprofen can ease discomfort caused by a fever, remember you don't need to treat fever with pain relief medication unless you're uncomfortable
Your usual medications, make sure you have at least a week’s supply of any medicines you take regularly, including prescription medicines
Treatment for dehydration some people with COVID-19 may experience vomiting or diarrhoea, which can lead to dehydration. Consider keeping over-the-counter oral hydration solution (available at pharmacies) or make your own. However, drinking water is the best way to treat mild dehydration.
Pulse Oximeter, a pulse oximeter is a small device that clips onto the end of your finger and estimates the level of oxygen saturation in your blood, and your heart rate. It doesn’t hurt and it only takes a minute to check your levels. Pulse oximeters are increasingly being used at home because of the pandemic, but the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) warns that it’s safer and more effective to use an oximeter at home when your health is being overseen by a doctor. Your doctor can also recommend the right oximeter for you if it’s necessary.
Please see link from RACGP resource that can be helpful for you to use while managing Covid-19 at home.