Hi there, שלום שם, Γεια σου, Cześć, Здраво, ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ, હાય, வணக்கம், Hai

Australia is known as a melting pot of cultures and we here at Nedlands Medical Centre know that we cannot always communicate effectively in your first language, and that it is not always easy to discuss your health issues with your doctor. If you require an interpreter, please try to make it known to our reception team and they will do their very best to have one for you on the day of your consult.
Effective communication is key and we do not like to leave this to relatives who come along to consults so that they can help with the language barrier. We are able to use an interpreter service who have access to more than 50 languages.
We also have a link to a helpful site with a variety of resources that may be helpful for our patients