Nedlands Medical Centre is now offering Iron Infusions
Have your energy levels fallen to the floor recently? Unexplained fatigue and weakness, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness or lightheadedness, cold hands and feet? These are only some of the symptoms you might suffer with low iron. Discussion with your GP after blood work (to determine your levels) may lead to you being recommended an Iron Infusion.
Here at Nedlands Medical Centre we are pleased to be able to offer our patients, iron infusions. Both Dr Lakshmi & Dr G, two very experienced practitioners, are happy to do this with the help of our Registered Nurse.
If you have consulted with any of our GPs and they have advised that you should have an iron infusion done. Please remember to let the reception team know so that they go over the amount of time that you may be required to be here, what fee you will be required to pay and also the amount of Medicare rebate that you can receive back. You will also be encouraged to check your pharmacy to ensure that they have your script in stock, so you will not be disappointed on the day.

What to expect?
Here at Nedlands we like to think that one of the many things we excel at is efficiency.
Our doctors and nurse will get you set up in no time at all and have you relaxing while your procedure is taking place. To get the most out of the experience we encourage you to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
Bring a water bottle with you, a book or your phone. Any questions regarding the infusion should definitely be raised with your GP to alleviate any anxiety or nerves.
Not a patient of our clinic?
If you do not attend our practice and have been advised by your regular GP that an iron infusion would be beneficial, but your GP does not provide these at your usual clinic. You are welcome to attend here. We do ask that you get a letter from your GP advising their recommendation (along with any relevant clinical history) for an iron infusion, you have a script for the Iron vials, and you have a copy of pathology results for our GP to check prior to your appointment with your Iron levels.